This has to be a first in India. Cricket enthusiasts can buy tickets of the first test match between India and Austria via their mobile phones. Cenvergelabs in association with a local service-provider and the KSCA, has set up a method by which one can purchase a ticket by sending just one SMS. Payment made through credit cards and once confirmed, a bar-code is sent to the mobile number. The bar code is then scanned at the stadium.
Response rate is good, however there are some challenges before such a service becomes mainstream:
The response to the scheme has been good. “We sold nearly 1,500 tickets today,” he added. Given the fact that many stadiums in India don’t allow mobile phones to be carried into the stadium for security reasons and often enough the signals are barred, the company is trying to work a way around the problem. “We may try to tie up with local service-providers and the mobile ticket holders can just reach these outlets at their convenience and get a print-out of the ticket. That way they don’t need to carry the cell phone to the stadium,” Mr Patel said.