"BBC is set to launch a £10m animated series featuring musicians Jamelia and Justin Hawkins that has been made in India. Freefonix is being coproduced by the BBC and indie Cinnamon Entertainment, which has effectively outsourced the animation to Trivandrum in Kerala.
The series has been written by Magnus Fiennes, brother of actors Ralph and Joseph, and is set 50 years in the future in the city of Los Bosmos.
It features three exceptional musicians from different sides of the tracks who come together to form a band called Freefonix. Together, they must safeguard the most powerful force in the universe - the 13th note - from the 'forces of evil'. Source - Broadcast Now
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Posted by: irvin | Jan 04, 2010 at 04:57 PM
Excellent & very informative post. Loved it. Keep it up dear.
Posted by: Mark | Jun 15, 2010 at 08:34 AM