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It is very sad and hurting that we forget our films and songs golden era. Its our bad luck that evergreen songs many of them even copy by India they have our golden era songs value but we don’t.
It all due to the selfishness of our legendry song writers, music directors and singers.
And bands are responsible for our filmi music downfall.
The theory of these bands is very simple. One song or album they introduce in the market and millions of times they sung repeatedly their songs again and again on TV channels and on stage with lip singing which is insult of singing.
Singers like Jawad Ahmed,Ibrar-ul-Haq,Ali haider,Fakhir,humera Arshad,Shazia and many others same songs always make no sence.In Ke EIk Hi Gane Sun Sun Kar Kan Pak Gai Hai.
These bands don’t have impact on us because we are fedup from single songs.We need duets.Why Indian Music is very much famous because they have duets(male and female togather singing)
People attract more from duets then single singing which is band songs.
Humera sings alone,Ibrar sings alone,Jawad sings alone.Thats why their songs don’t have much impact then Indian music in which male and female sing togather(duets).
Its time that we should revive our Golden era Songs on PTV and make our people proud that we had such a beautiful Era of Music and we need not Indian or band songs or lip singers songs on stage.
These Golden Era songs have much power to win the hearts of younger generation.
Kindly Promote these golden era songs and telecast them in programme and singers should with quality music sing these golden era songs again.
With best regards


I agree with You !! The very good article.

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