Boys in Chocolate – Book written by Paul
Southern. Synopsis
"When Rafi Rafiq and Richard Armitage leave their flat on Thursdays their
ambition stretches no further than their giros and the bookies. Bonded from
birth, blood cousins through school, failures in the hereafter, they share
everything: draw, food, fags, booze and vaginas, an unholy pentagram of sleaze.
Nowhere Rafi leads is out of bounds. Till now. He gets them caught breaking
Manchester's first all-Asian brothel, Mohammed's Butt's notorious nach ghar, and they're faced with a simple choice: pay or die. But Richard's fallen in love - with Butt's favourite girl, Fari - and decides they have to save her. And, for Rafi, it gets worse. The Death Angel is back. 'Gorgeous George' Cotterel. On the lookout for starlets to play in his latest video nasty, George knows just the thing that will sell them. And just the way to get them. Brown boys in chocolate. When Rafi and Richard answer a ringing phone in Manley Park, the combination is far from their minds, but George has it all planned - and they find themselves wrestling, literally, for their lives."
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Posted by: kamasutra pictures | Nov 03, 2010 at 09:36 AM