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may God be with you and me,amen.

shabeena khan

Do you really believe in Allah?.....if your answer is yes i do not believe you.....because if u did believe in him you wouldn't be saying all these things you wouldn't be questioning what you were comanded to do. the women who you "claim" are being treated with no respect, obeying their husbands and doing what they were commanded to do by Allah have a chance a going to Jannah, can you say that about yourself....are you doing what you were commanded to do? Woman you dont even wear the hijab!!!!!!!!!... maybe some of them are not being treated fairly but in the end it will pay off for doing what was right

shabeena khan

Do you really believe in Allah?.....if your answer is yes i do not believe you.....because if u did believe in him you wouldn't be saying all these things you wouldn't be questioning what you were comanded to do. the women who you "claim" are being treated with no respect, obeying their husbands and doing what they were commanded to do by Allah have a chance a going to Jannah, can you say that about yourself....are you doing what you were commanded to do? Woman you dont even wear the hijab!!!!!!!!!... maybe some of them are not being treated fairly but in the end it will pay off for doing what was right


Bismillah Well... i disagree with you completely. you consider your self a muslim and your doubting every word your allah has said. You are saying we muslims dehumanize women when in reality we protect our women. If our women weren't wearing the hijab, and weren't told to act modest and soforth, what do you think would happen to them.
may allah forgive you and may he open your eyes to what your really doing and saying. To me it seems that you are blind to see. may allah show you the way. You know how forgiving he is so may he forgive you too.


"She is a Canadian Muslim lesbian who has written a book entitled "The Trouble with Islam".

Also, book "The Life of Muhammad" by martin lings.

This just says it all does it not? What kind of muslim do you call yourself , a lesbian is not a muslim. No homosexuality allowed in islam. Your book should be called "A Muslim, Am I?"

I have not read your book, but looked at your website and think that you just put a book together because you personally feel Islam has problems. I don't think you quite know the basics of islam, and the difference between being a muslim and islamic way of life and thinking to non-islamic faiths, way of life and thinking. Many similarities are evident but also many differences.

I think you just haven't quite discovered islam and most importantly have not discovered islam in modern day life for yourself..

Read the book discovering islam ( making sense of muslim history and society) by Akbar Ahmed.

you are holding on to the wrong end of the stick, sadly.


you are liar.


Besides agreeing to most people have already said.

I want to put some basic questions:

1. It is often debated on Human Rights Voilation Reports that Sexual Crimes against women are born out of suppression of sexual freedom under "Islamic Law". My question to you and all other is...if it is so...why United States and other western countries have highest rate of sexual crimes against women? Being so open and free about "rights of women"?

2. No where in this world is a pure Islamic Government...Do you blame the religion when you know that not one government really practices or implements it?

3. Can u prove from Quran or the Hadith that Islam has allowed suppressing women? beating them? FORCED polygamy? or anything like this?

If right to be a lesbian,to be a prostitute or for that matter SEX symbol at large is what you call problems of Islam, then I am sorry to say, you surely have problem with your own faith and yes certainly Islam does not and cannot allow this. Women in Islam are not commodities to become Sex toys, It does not allow them to be treated as ones, It gives them respect and honor to be an equal human being and not an animal whose sole purpose is to eat, sleep and have sex.

islam messenger

Hi I am the leader of Islam messenger islamic group to tell people about the ture meanings of islam I am like a father in education. first of all islam is a big thing to talk about the lord allah, he is the creatore there is no god but he, he sent 124,000 prophets & 300 messengers to tell the world about islam & moses, jesus & mohammad are also messengers of islam. this takes too much words to explain but this is the conclusion (( no one could be say something or say his philosophy about islam exept if he was a muslim))
remember christianity have huge problems & jews too. muslims do not talk about christianity becouse god said that we should respect every body, but you do not do the same.

I have my own philosophy I & a group of 13 people studied Islam though we are muslims & we became sheikhs (fathers). so, If you want the books we wrote send us an e-mail requesting that you need the book. the books name is /the guide for non muslims to be muslims.
it explains to him what does the muslims bible think of jesus & the human & the woman & every thing you say wrong about us.
I do not know from were do those canadian writers or eny non muslim writer bring those buch of lies hhh. I feel that they arestupid though they sent to every one these dangourus lies about islam. save us understand the truth do not believe any thing you read exept if you know that the writer is a *****MUSLIM***
Thanks for listening


In the name of ALLAh......all the thing you said is wrong....please come back while you still have your time...if you still don't want to...face ALLAH at the end of time....

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